QUESTION 1: Are the games and practice times at Saskatoon Henk Ruys Soccer Centre going to be staggered to allow minimum number of players on field and hallways?
Games at Henk Ruys on the four field shave always been staggered by 15 min per field (ie: 6:00 – 7:00 PM Field 1 A/B, 6:15 – 7:15 PM Field 2 A/B, 6:30 – 7:30 PM Field 3 A/B, 6:45 – 7:45 PM Field 4 A/B), however this season in addition to the staggered start times there will be an additional 15 minute break between each scheduled hour per field to allow for proper exit of players and entrance of a new group as well as cleaning measures between games. There will also only be two games per field for the U5-U7-U9 opposed to last season’s format of three games per field for the U7’s which will help reduce the amount of people in the facility and on field.
QUESTION 2: Will lockers be available for use and will they be cleaned between teams?
This is yet to be determined by the soccer centers, but at present time there is no access to dressing rooms and players have been coming to games dressed and ready to play.
QUESTION 3: If the maximum number of participants is 50. How are you going planning to stay under this number when you will have four teams playing per field? Plus, there will be four coaches. By my total 9x4+4 = 40 per field. Since there are four fields at this soccer center, you will be well over the 50 limit.
The curtain will be drawn to split the field in half to create two "designated indoor spaces". The soccer center received confirmation from the Business Response Team that this would be acceptable. Therefore, there would be two teams per designated space ensuring we do not exceed the 30- person limit at any given time (ie: 2 teams x 10 players + 2 coaches = 24 participants per designated indoor space).
QUESTION 4: Will U5 and U7 be half field with the curtain down the middle?
U5/U7 they will be going back to a two games per field format because of the gathering size limitation from the government. The curtain will split the fields, and these will be considered two distinct/designated indoor spaces.
QUESTION 5: Will PPE and disinfecting supplies be available for our team and coaches?
Rosewood Community Association will be equipping all teams with the proper disinfectant supplies and PPE for coaches. Disinfectant wipes or supplies will be necessary for the team equipment after each game before leaving the field, and teams or players will be provided with hand sanitizer prior to entering and leaving the field
qUESTION 6: Will masks be required?
Team personnel will require masks.
QUESTION 7: As a spectator will I have to wear a mask?
It is yet to be determined if masks will be required by all persons in main entrances, common areas, and spectator areas and will be determined by the soccer center and communicated to the community association if such stipulation will be in place.
QUESTION 8: What is the Soccer Centre doing to ensure safety and cleanliness in its facilities?
The Soccer Centres will be doing regular and routine cleaning of both centres as well as increased disinfecting of high traffic areas.
QUESTION 9: Will attendance be taken at each game/practice?
Attendance needs to be taken at games/practices and will need to be kept by the communities for one month. This will be for tracking and tracing purposes. Spectators would also need to be documented.
QUESTION 10: Where can I find more information regarding soccer or Covid-19?
For more information regarding Youth Soccer click here.