Who can get a membership / Membership Boundaries?
Anyone living within the Rosewood Community are eligible to register for a Rosewood Community Association membership. Please check out the Rosewood boundary map.
There has been some confusion with regards to the Arbutus Properties development "The Meadows". The Meadows is not a separate community, it is within the Rosewood Community. There are numerous developers building within the Rosewood neighbourhood. How to I purchase or renew my membership?
Complete the online request form or sign up when registering for a program.
Payment options:
How much does a membership cost?
Rosewood residents are encouraged to purchase a Rosewood Community Association Membership which costs $ 15.00 and is valid for an individual or a family living in one house.
Your membership is valid August 1 to July 31 and should be renewed annually. Your membership number stays constant. A membership is required for Rosewood & other Community Association programs. Your Rosewood membership is valid at other Community Associations in Saskatoon. By joining or renewing your Rosewood membership you are helping to bring programs, activities and events to our community! Register or renew your membership now! Where can I use my membership?
A Rosewood Community Association membership allows you to register for programs offered by the Rosewood Community Association and also allows you to register for programs being offered by other Community Associations within Saskatoon.
By joining or renewing your Rosewood membership you are helping to bring programs, activities and events to our community! Register or renew your membership now! How long is a membership valid for?
Memberships are valid from August 1 to July 31 and are to be renewed annually.
A valid membership is required to register for programs being offered by the Rosewood Community Association or when registering for programs offered by other Community Associations within Saskatoon. By joining or renewing your Rosewood membership you are helping to bring programs, activities and events to our community! Register or renew your membership now! Do I get a membership card or number?
When you register for a Rosewood Community Association membership you will receive a card with a unique membership number. This number is your membership number and will never change. You will not receive a new card and number when you renew your membership.
The Rosewood Community Association will track your membership status through your membership number. When registering for Rosewood programs show your membership card or supply your number. If registering for programs with other Community Associations in Saskatoon, show your Rosewood Community Association membership card. Remember by purchasing or renewing your Rosewood Community Association membership you are helping to bring programs and events to your community! Is membership transferable?
Memberships are valid for the individual or family that purchased the membership and is not transferable. Memberships are valid August 1 to July 31 and are to be renewed annually.
You can use your membership at other Community Associations within Saskatoon. Will other Community Association Memberships be accepted by the Rosewood Community Association?
The Rosewood Community Association will accept other City of Saskatoon Community Association memberships. Memberships must be valid (not expired) and a membership card must be presented at the time of registration for Rosewood programs.
If your membership has expired your must renew it with your Community Association prior to registration being completed or purchase an Rosewood Community Association membership. Civics InformationTraffic Safety
The City of Saskatoon's Transportation Division monitors traffic around the city and adjusts traffic control or road design to increase safety and efficiency.
Citizens can report neighbourhood traffic concerns by calling Transportation Customer Service at 306-975-2454 or Reporting a Traffic Issue. We encourage you to complete the above form to assist the City of Saskatoon with addressing traffic issues as Rosewood grows. For more information visit the City's of Saskatoon's Managing Traffic page. Street use BYLAW
Residents are prohibited from throwing or shoveling snow on the road as it can affect drainage and the safety of pedestrians and/or drivers. Cleared snow must be placed on your property or removed, and not placed on the roadway.
To report a bylaw violation, please contact Public Works Customer Service at 306-975-2476. Visit the City of Saskatoon for more details. Sidewalk Snow Clearing Bylaw
Residential sidewalks must be cleared of snow and ice within 48 hours of a snowfall. If the City of Saskatoon receives a complaint, the site will be checked, and if necessary, the owner/occupant will be asked to clear it.
Visit the City of Saskatoon for more details. |